Monday, January 30, 2012

Chloe's Baby Dedication!

Chloe's baby dedication was held on Sunday at Heartland Church in Carrollton Texas. They will be mailing us an 8x10 picture of our family and a copy of her life verse plus the pastors blessing he wrote for her. I will be sharing these when I get them in the mail. Until are a few pictures that were taken with my camera!

Pastor Dan Dean reading Chloe's life verse

Chloe with pastor Dan

Chloe on the big screen!

Chloe being presented to the church

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A shambley Family Christmas 2011

Simply put... Our Christmas was beautiful. Our Christmas was very Blessed. 

Santa Baby

This was his FAVORITE gift

present time

Colton sporting his new Spiderman hat!

Christa and her Epic Mickey Wii game

Chelsea got a new DS pacman game!


behind the camera

Chloe loves her daddy!

gaba gaba his favorite thing

nana came from NC to visit

caleb loves to color and he was trying to give chloe a crayon

little people airport

Aunt Amanda and Terrell

Momma and Chloe

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


So, I know its been FOREVER! I have been a little busy with the birth of our newest little Shambley!
She is almost 8 weeks old now. She is beautiful and healthy and exactly what we prayed for. We are pleased to introduce to you Chloe Grace Shambley!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My big boy Colton goes to school!

So Colton is off to his second day of Kindergarten. Here are a few pics from yesterday morning and today as he was getting on the bus! He really loves school so far. I am still homeschooling my girls and staying home with Caleb but Colton really wanted to go to kindergarten and since all of my other children did have a public school kindergarten experience, I felt I needed to let him go. We miss him and have found our selfs watching the clock wondering what he is doing at that time and thinking about all of the the things we want to ask him about school when he gets home. I think Christa misses him the most. She waits with him at the bus stop each morning and then goes and waits for him to get off the bus in the afternoon. Christa and Colton really bonded this Summer. They played alot together and now she is back to her homeschool assignments. She is doing 6th grade this year and Chelsea is finishing up her LAST year of homeschool. WOW how time can just passes us by if we are not careful. Caleb is enjoying all of the mommy time he is getting now that Colton is gone all during the school day. He needs to enjoy his alone time while he can because, I am 29 and 1/2 weeks pregnant with our sweet baby girl. She will be making her entrance into the family late October. We have so much to look forward to as a family in the coming days. The last few pics are from our family weenie roast we hosted a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mr. Caleb!

As the time is approaching quickly for the arrival of our new baby girl, I wanted to take a few minutes and acknowledge how much our sweet Caleb is growing up.  He is soooo stinking cute these days. I felt like I should give him his own post. Caleb is 23 months old and doing so many things. Here are just a few of his milestones.

Words he can say now...

1. Mama
2. Dada
3. Cup
4. Snack
5. Up
6. Ok
7. No No
8. All Done
9. Hi Five
10. What's that? Look
11. Nana
12. Grammy
13. Pop pop
14. Bubbles
15. Help
16. Baba (bottle)
17. Outside and play
18. Kitty kittty
19. Meow
20. Bye Bye
21. Nite nite
22. OH no
23. Cookie
24. tickle tickle
25. hello (he likes to talk on the phone)

HE still LOVES his blue and brown stripe blanket. He loves to snuggle and be pet.

He Loves VEGETALES and Blues Clues! He can sing most of the silly songs on vegetales DVD's

He call Blues Clues "cue cues" and Vegetales "eggietales"

He loves to wash his own hair.

He likes to color at the table!

Foods he Loves!
1. peas
2. yogurt drinks (yo drinks)
3. tuna salad
4. Jambalaya
5. yogurt of any kind
6. chicken nuggets
7. tator tots
8. crackers
9. cookies (with cream in the middle)
10. gold fish
11. hot dogs
12. applesauce
13. fruit snacks
14. pizza
15. soft cheese tacos

He weighs 25 pounds! He is still in the lower percentile for height, weight, and size of his head.

The BOY LOVES Starbucks (I know that's bad) He will latch onto your Starbucks drink and you will NOT get it back. Dada goes and get Starbucks every Sunday morning before church for mama. When he gets back home with the drinks he has to call the house and get one of the girls to distract Caleb so he can RUN to our bedroom with the drinks...otherwise Caleb would SCREAM for them. LOL

He likes to CLEAN! He sweeps ALL of my floors even the carpet!

Caleb also likes anything in a Sonic cup. He likes to sit on the bar stool and cook with daddy. I guess you could say he has good taste!

Can I just say again, I love this little guy!